Headshot of Joy

Joy Appleton Named 2015 Recipient of Dr. Brewster Martin Award

Joy Appleton started at Clara Martin Center in 2000 as a support staff for the Bradford main office site. She is dedicated to the mission of the agency and is always willing to help either by supporting a client, the agency or a staff member in any way she can. She is a pleasant, kind and a strong anchor all in one bundle. The agency systems have improved over the years and she has helped in all these initiatives.

Joy is one of the grounding forces here at the agency. She has demonstrated unfailing dedication, compassion, patience and professionalism to the Clara Martin Center, her colleagues and to the clients and community we serve. Joy is deserving of the honor and respect this award stands for and she is an excellent model of the Clara Martin Center motto “People Helping People”.

Joy Appleton

Joy’s kind words are heard many times throughout the day “How may I help you?” According to Joy’s colleagues she is “the backbone of the Bradford site” and “known throughout the agency and always with positive phrase.” Joy is known to all our clients and has left a positive lasting impression on thousands of staff, parents and children over the years.

We are honored to have her as part of the Clara Martin Center team, and proud to honor her with the prestigious award.

Previous Dr. Brewster Martin Award winners

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