Justice Involved Services

We provide effective assessment and treatment services to people who have been or are currently involved with the court or corrections system.


Our Justice Involved Services’ aim is to enhance the ability of those who have been or are currently involved with the court or corrections system to function effectively in the community, re-enter the community successfully and reduce the risk of committing additional crimes. We implement ethical and best practice models of treatment to help meet these goals.

  • Deliver specialized outpatient services in our Randolph, Bradford and Wilder sites.
  • Provide psychosocial assessments, individual therapy, specialized group therapy, family education, and support groups consistent with best practices.
  • Provide programming that is gender, culture, and trauma sensitive.
  • Develop collaborative relationships with clients to help them reach identified treatment goals.
  • Incorporate interdisciplinary treatment planning to help clients take full responsibility for their crimes and gain the support needed to function successfully in the community.
  • Collaboration with community resources to ensure clients receive continuity of care and all services needed to function effectively in their communities.
  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Sex Offender Treatment Groups
  • Domestic Violence Accountability Program
  • Anger Management
  • Victim’s Support
  • Case Management

Randolph, Wilder, telehealth and community-based groups.

  • Good Lives Model
  • ACT-V

Community-Based Sex Offender Treatment

The goal of the program is to decrease the risk of re-offense and promote healthy lifestyles through individual and group therapy. The program meets program standards set forth by the Vermont Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Aggressors.

Domestic Violence Accountability Program

The program adheres to the Standards of Batterer’s Intervention Programs set forth by the Vermont Coalition for Domestic Abuse. The goal of the program is to reduce the risk to engage in emotional or physical abuse towards intimate partners.

Additional Programs

Anger Management

The anger management program aims to provide clients with skills necessary to identify and effectively manage emotions that may lead them to engage in threatening or assaultive behavior.

Re-entry Case management

Reentry Case Management is a service provided to individuals who have been affected by substance use and reentering the community after incarceration and/or being supervised by Hartford Probation and Parole. Case management includes, but is not limited to; assistance and referrals for housing, transportation, benefits, employment, child care, education, health care, food, clothing, supportive counseling, connection with self-help groups, etc.  This role provides stabilization to these individuals with the hope to reduce recidivism.

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